Each of us has a vision of what the future of technology holds. Each of us envisions a smart India which holds great potential in every field of development. The theme of Prometeo 2022 is designed on the same ideology of creating a New India by virtue of expanding the technical and economical orbit. There are vast horizons for us to touch still, and by the 3 Is: Innovate-Implement-Improve, we will soon walk past those horizons! The heart of Prometeo this year is to develop and present ideas of what the technological and economical face of India would look like starting from the 2030s to the 2050s. Could India lead the world? Could India become a technological giant? Could India be the force behind the biggest global projects? All these questions have answers lying behind our participation, our ideas and our dedication.
We invite you to put your best foot forward to present and experience the India of our vision with Prometeo'22!